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Phase III

The Phase III exam was conducted between 1998 and 1999 and 88% of all surviving participants were re-examined. The examination included personal habits and medical history update, twenty-four hour dietary recall, and assessment of alcohol and tobacco consumption. The physical exam included measures of body fat, body circumferences and blood pressure, an evaluation of peripheral vascular disease, and a 12-lead resting electrocardiogram. Ultrasound assessment of the carotid arteries and a measurement of arterial stiffness were added; skin testing and monitoring of pulmonary function were done in those with a history of asthma. Laboratory measurements included fasting and post-load glucose, and fasting insulin, fasting lipids, fibrinogen, PAI1, glycated hemoglobin, and urinary albumin and creatinine, hematocrit and Chemistry Profile (SMAC 12, including electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, total protein, SGPT, and SGOT).

Additionally, SHS demonstrated in the Phase III pilot Family Study (May through December 1997) that the study was able to recruit and retain large kindreds from which physiologic measurements were made and blood samples were taken for direct genotyping.

Phase III Manual of Operations (PDF)

Phase III Data Forms (PDF)

Phase III Data Dictionary (PDF)

Phase III Pilot Family Study Data Dictionary

Phase III Asthma Sub-study Data Dictionary