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An acknowledgement of SHS grant support (in manuscripts, abstracts, or presentations etc.)​

1. An acknowledgement of the grant support for the Strong Heart Study is required for publications and presentations. The Strong Heart Study has been funded in whole or in part with
federal funds from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under contract numbers
8, 75N92019D00029, & 75N92019D00030. The study was previously supported by research grants:

R01HL109315, R01HL109301, R01HL109284, R01HL109282, and
R01HL109319 and by cooperative agreements: U01HL41642,
U01HL41652, U01HL41654, U01HL65520, and U01HL65521.

The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

2. Do not mention tribal/community names in a manuscript, including the acknowledgement section.

3. If the abstract/manuscript has a NIH co-author, it must be submitted for NHLBI review. Comments will be returned to the email address provided by the author in the submission process.
Please submit the abstract/manuscript to the following email address for NHLBI Review:


The data were collected, analyzed, and reported under agreements made with the sovereign tribal nations that have partnered in this research, which preclude routine modes of data sharing. Requests to access the dataset from qualified researchers trained in human subject confidentiality protocols may be sent to the Strong Heart Study Coordinating Center at Requests will be reviewed by tribal research partners before data may be released. This policy is consistent with the “NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Responsible Management and Sharing of American Indian/Alaska Native Participant Data.”1

1. NIH. Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Responsible Management and Sharing of American Indian/Alaska Native Participant Data.,Tribes%5Biii%5D%20and%20communities.